Name: Matthew Tung
Age: 21
Graduating Year: 2005
Years at Tutor Time: 5
Schools attended after Tutor Time:
– Hong Kong International School


What is your name? Where are you from? How old are you?
Matthew Tung. Hong Kong. 21 Years Old.

Which years did you attend Tutor Time, and which campus did you attend?
2001 – 2005, the Tai Tam campus

When did you graduate from or leave Tutor Time? Which school did you go to after Tutor Time? (Please list all)
Hong Kong International School

Tell us something interesting about yourself that not many people know about!
I compete in olympic weightlifting.

What are your hobbies and passions?
I enjoy doing athletics, playing the cello, and playing super smash bros.

What do you aspire to be in the future?
A doctor/physical therapist.

What are some of your proudest achievements?
Winning gold at the weightlifting event at the 2016 Arnold Classic Asia at 16 years old.

What are your fondest memories from Tutor Time?
The supportive teachers.

Is there anything you want to say to our Tutor Time students and teachers?
Thank you for giving me a good learning foundation for academics and life.