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Types of Omega-3 fatty acids and their significance

What’s the hype around Omega-3’s? Omega-3’s are fatty acids that support fetal/cognitive development, heart health, and learning, amongst a host of other benefits. Omega-3’s are called essential fatty acids because...

A guide to salt intake for children

Too much salt is a global issue We’ve talked a lot about essential nutrients like Omega-3’s and their benefits, but what about salt? Salt is an essential nutrient, but it...

Is cow's milk necessary for growing children?

You might associate milk with calcium, healthy bones, and height- but is it really necessary for your child? In short, it depends on lactose tolerance, diet variance, capacity to digest...

Should I be worried about mercury in fish?

Where mercury comes from  Mercury is produced primarily through industrial pollution, volcanic activity, and rivers, streams, and oceans. Algae consumes a lot of mercury present in seawater; then fish eat...

Your baby's transition to solid foods

Transitioning from breastfeeding to solid foods can be an uncertain yet exciting time. Below are answers to some of our parents’ most commonly asked questions; they’ll ensure your baby’s transition...

Essential nutrition tips to improve learning

Nutrition is one of the easiest, yet most underutilized ways to support your child’s learning and behavior. Proper nutrition and supplementation is proven to benefit cognitive function, memory, attention, self-regulation,...