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Effective ways to teach your child a second language

Bilingualism (and knowing more than one language in general) has many cognitive and social-emotional benefits, but how can we effectively raise bilingual children? We discussed this question with the Curriculum...

How the ages 2 - 7 shape brain development

The “golden window” that is rarely talked about The ages of 2 – 7 years old is a critical period for brain development (which predicts academic and social success). Many...

Maximizing your baby's "Golden Window"

Why it’s called the golden window During the first 1000 days of life, your baby’s brain is forming neural connections at the fastest pace of their lives (1000 per second)....

Preventing summer learning loss

What is it For children, summertime is a time for fun, relaxation, and to be away from school. For parents, it’s a rare opportunity to unwind from a packed school...

The science of critical thinking skills

What is critical thinking?  The concept of critical thinking dates back over 2500 years. The National Council for Excellence in Critical Thinking established a lengthy definition for critical thinking. In...

Learning critical skills through play

Children use many skills at once during play  When children play they don’t think about playing to gain new skills. Nevertheless, play creates many learning opportunities. For example, when children...

Different forms of meaningful play, and why they are equally important

Why is play important in the first place? In 2010, a research article published in the Hong Kong Journal of Childhood Education deemed play as an important way children learn...

How children use play to understand the world around them

Sensory overload Young children are bombarded with sensations and information everyday. They struggle to understand their experiences and make sense of the world and their place in it. How can...

Don't force your child to share

As parents, we want our children to be generous, kind, and cooperative with others. We may think we can help children learn these skills by making them share with others....